Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tips to get your blog indexed by Google

On most of occasions bloggers are on mercy of googlebot to get their blogs indexed in google.But there are ways to virtually dictate googlebot to index your blogs.One such technique,which is much talked about,is to place your link on a website with high page rank.But for this you have to spend some bucks because not even a single webmaster will exchange a link with a new blog.Here in this post I will tell you five tips to get your blogs indexed free and fast.

With these tips google will index your blog within 24-48 hrs. and best part is its all free.You can use one tip or all five tips together.OK,then get yourself a fresh cup of coffee and read out this post.

Tip-1-Comment on a page with high page rank and place your link as signature, then ping the url on which you have commented.

The principal is simple.You placed you link on a blog or forum with high pagerank and then told googlebot that you have placed the link by pinging the page on which you have commented.

Let us suppose you commented on a page, Now go to and ping this url.Googlebot will come to crawl that url and while crawling it will find you link.Isn't this simple??

Tip-2- Sign up for a account in google webmaster tools and verify your site.

Google webmasters tool is completely free service.Once you sign up for a free account,you will be asked to add your site.Add your blog's url there.Then search for the verify link there and click it.Choose metatag as verification method.Gooogle will provide you with a metatag.Copy and paste that metatag into your template just beside opening "head" tag.

Now you are done.Just click the "Verify" button.Googlebot will crawl your blog to find the metatag you have pasted and in the process it will index your blog.

Tip-3- Sign up for a google analytics account and place tracking code in you template.

The working of this tip is pretty much similar to tip-2.Once you place tracking code in your template and hit "check" button, googlebot crawls your site to ensure you have placed the code right.Again in the process of checking, your blog is indexed.

Tip-4- Sign up for an Adsense account with your blog's url.

You might get confused here but its true that you can use adsense for indexing your site faster apart from earning money.Let me explain things in some detail-

What happens when you sign up for an adsense account?You get a message saying-"Your site will be reviewed before acceptance in our program".Now,who reviews your site/blog.They are not human editors ,instead googlebot reviews the sites for adsense program.

Now you can guess it.After you sign up for adsense, google bot or spiders crawl your website to review it and also indexes it while reviewing.Normally reviewing is fast ,taking about 24-48 hours and in next 24 hrs. after a review your site is indexed. Isn't this cool !!!!!!

Tip-5- Submit sitemap of your blog (your blog's feed) in google webmasters tool

This tip is straight forward.Just submit your blog's sitemap in your webmasters tool account. Google indexes the url's in the sitemap pretty quickly. Almost all search engine experts recommend submitting a sitemap for faster indexing.

Important note:These tips work best when used in conjunction with each other.Best practice would be to use all 5 tips concurrently.

Now,I guess, you are able to dictate googlebot for indexing your blog faster and that too without spending a single penny from your pocket.

Enjoy !!!!!

Source :


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Building Blog Traffic

1)Blog Traffic Source #1 :
Blog directories : You need to submit to few popular blog directories after you have at least 5- 10 posts on your blog. Most of the blog directories will ask you to give reciprocal link on your blog. In some cases you need to enter reciprocal link url , then you can create a new post for giving links to such directories rather than giving link on main page of the blog. If they ask for RSS feed please enter You also need to enter your keywords as Tags or generate tags . Some directories will ask for specific size banner , so design a banner using software like photoshop , upload it at free space like and provide the link of the banner to the blog directories. For example banner for this blog is at
Popular blog directories are listed below which allows free submission , please do not go for paid submission.

2) Blog Traffic Source #2 :
Comments, Emails, Profiles , chat , groups : You need to comment on other blogs , develop relations with bloggers . This leads to visits from this blogs and bloggers.
You can send at least 10 emails per day writing about your blog and requesting to visit .Please do not send bulk mails or spam mails. You can mention about your blog in your profiles at google, yahoo, myspace , facebook etc. and also in chats , groups . You can answer at websites like for related questions mentioning about your blog.

3) Blog Traffic Source #3 :
Linking to other blogs: You can ask for link to your blog or post to other blogs and you also need to reciprocate by giving link to other blogs or posts. This leads to link building and more traffic . Link building is beneficial for search engine ranking.

4) Blog Traffic Source #4 :
Forums, discussions,community, groups : From the list of websites given below , on many of them you will find discussions , groups , forums, communities .You can join groups /communities or create new one .You can take part in discussions /forums . Ask for help or give help .This leads to more traffic to your blog.

5) Blog Traffic Source #5 :
Socializing : site.You can find more here - .
What all you can do at is at is a social network . You need to download and install a toolbar, then, when surfing the net, if you like a page and you want to share it with the community, you press a button (you stumble the page), and the page goes into the StumbleUpon circuit. On the toolbar, you also have the Stumble button, which, once pressed, shows you pages stumbled by other members.You can use stumble upon without toolbar also , once you have a account there.

6) Blog Traffic Source #6 :
Writing and submitting articles /posts / reviews : You can write articles for others / reviews for products or services . Please check websites like ,

7) Blog Traffic Source #7 :
Converting new visitor to regular visitor - Write better providing sufficient information on the subject with proper home work done. Group /Categorize / List /Organize the content properly so it becomes easier to read and understand . Add pictures and video where ever possible to make post colorful and attractive. Rather then writing longer, cover all information in less words because on internet , visitor wants more information in less time.
Providing rewards, free e books ,contest etc - You can provide some type of reward to visitors /bloggers like link or few dollar prize for comments /review of your blog or have a contest on your blog . You can write a e-book yourself and offer to download it free or you can use free e-books available on internet . This encourages visitors to stay more , visit again , subscribe to your blog posts etc. Please note that buying and selling of links is against search engine guidelines/policies.

8) Blog Traffic Source #8 :
Branding , banners , free banner exchange - You can think of nice logo / banner /header picture for your blog with a slogan /punch line for it . You can use that logo on you posts , emails , profiles etc . As your blog grows and if related to business/products/service , you can go for brand name . While submitting your blog to directories ,some of them asks for banner so you can submit your banner here. There are free banner exchange programs run by blogs and blog directories , you can participate in that. I will try to provide list of websites for this.

9) Blog Traffic Source #9 :
Try other media : Think creative . Where else you can mention about your blog or display your blog . Some newspapers allows you to submit your post to them and they publish selected posts in their newspaper with blog name. So try sending your blog posts to print media.Can you display your blog url on your vehicle ? Your t-shirt?

10) Blog Traffic Source #10 :
Paid promotion : All the above options are free to use but you need to spend many hours on internet . So if you do not have time , you can go for paid blog advertising like google adwords and other paid promotions .Please do not buy links .Please keep good and sufficient content on your blog and basic blog promotion done before going for advertising .

11) Blog Traffic Source #11 :
Mobile blogging : Blogspot offers you to post using your mobile. Many socializing sites now offer mobile future , this saves on your time .So if you efficiently use this feature you can save time to be active more at other promotional activities which leads to more traffic.

List of the websites:

1) - Blog directory ,discussions , Groups.
2) - Blogdirectory
4) - Directory , forum ,Polls
5) Blogtoplist
6) Bloghub
21) - banner exchange by credit earning.

Managing better : You need to register on above sites so it is better to keep a separate email address for blogging and common username , password for all these accounts. Also wherever possible subscribe/forward all your discussions , replies, comments to this email id so that you can check them all in one session and does not miss anything and more you remain active at any of the websites , more will be your points /visibility /traffic .

I will keep updating this post .Please tell how you find this post , your comments and suggestions are welcome.



Thursday, May 21, 2009

More Traffic From Yahoo

With the new Yahoo! "Pay-For-Review" model it might be relatively easier for sites to get into the directory but
getting traffic from your listing is altogether a different story. And now with it's new annual recurring payment policy
you have to be extra careful while submitting your site for a review.

Here are 8 things to keep in mind while submitting your site to Yahoo!

1) Selecting your domain name is the most vital step in getting a top ranking in Yahoo! and also other directories
like Dmoz and Looksmart.

Make sure your domain name is "Keyword Rich". You can make your domain keyword rich by simply inserting hyphens to separate words in your domain name. Yahoo! gives more relevance to sites with keywords in their domain name.

Take our domain name for example:

It is made up of 4 different high-in-demand keywords: "ritemail-adsense", "adsense revenue", "earn via adsense", "blogging money".

While crafting your domain name, even you should try to keep your domain name such that it is made up of one, 2-4 words main or "parent" keyword; which in turn is made up of 2-4 high-in-demand "child" keywords.

You may or may not get a top ranking for all your targeted keywords but you can be sure of getting one for your main or "parent" keyword (If you do everything else right).

Even if you have to get a separate domain name for this purpose, GET IT! It is absolutely crucial for your ranking.

2) Sites which are placed higher in directory structure are given more relevance than sites which are placed lower or

For example a site listed in category - B2B/Business_Opportunities will be given more relevance than a site listed in category - B2B/Business_Opportunities/Directories

Here's a great tip to select the most trafficked category for your website...

Once you have short-listed 2 or 3 category to place your site in to, check out the cost of Sponsor Listings of those
categories.It's really simple. Visit the following URL:

Enter the URL of any website that is listed in your desired category (The URL should be same as it appears in Yahoo! and the category should be a commercial category).

Please note that Yahoo! accepts Sponsor Listings for only certain commercial categories and so this tip may or may not work for your category.

You'll be asked for your Yahoo! ID. Once you submit the information, you'll be provided with the Sponsorship charges for that certain category. Repeat the process for your remaining short-listed categories.

Now compare the prices of all your short-listed categories. Naturally the one with a higher price is the most trafficked one!

3) Yahoo! considers keywords in the directory structure while ranking.

For example, if someone is searching for "Business Opportunities Directories", a web site listed in category -
B2B/Business_Opportunities/Directories will be given more relevance than a web site listed in category - B2B/Business_Opportunities

4) Yahoo! DOES NOT spider websites to determine ranking. It ranks web sites based on keywords in domain name, title and description. So having META tags does not make any difference to your listing.

5) DO NOT try to stuff as much keywords as possible in to the description. Yahoo! editors are notorious for cutting
down the description if they sense even slightest hype. Try to avoid words such as - no.1, proven, turnkey, exciting

Also, make sure that the heading of your home page is same as the description you provided for your site. There should be no confusion in the mind of the editor reviewing your site.

6) Make sure your domain name and business name is the same since Yahoo! is known to use the business name as the title for your listing.

7) Make sure your website is "Content Rich". This is very critical for two reasons. One - to get your site
accepted by Yahoo! and Second - to maintain and get a higher listing.

Yahoo! determines the popularity of a website by the amount of time a visitor spends on your website. If a large no. of them hit the "back button" of their browser as soon as they hit your web site, you can kiss goodbye to your dreams of a possible higher listing.

Once you get a lower listing, it can get very difficult to make up as visitors will not be able to find your site

Once a site gets accepted into the directory, Yahoo! ranks it based on the keyword popularity in domain name, title and description. But as time progresses, it determines the ranking based on the popularity of the website itself.

We ignored this and our listing came down drastically within few days of getting accepted!

8) Before submitting your website, thoroughly research websites that rank higher for keywords you are targeting (Especially the "Most Popular" sites in the directory section). This will give you a rough idea of what to and what not to include in your website.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Do you have a blog, website, personal page or affiliate link?

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The Linkreferral Concept

Members directory traffic - By joining, you will be included in our members directory which is visited by our community of over 200,000 members, and thousands of outside visitors on a daily basis. You'll have the opportunity to earn a ranking at the top of your category, absolutely free! Receive valuable feedback from visitors of your website, network with your peers, and give your opinion on other websites in the directory. The more you participate, the more you get in return!

Referral based traffic - You are probably familiar with the concept of network marketing, well this is a free version of that marketing method - by registering and promoting your linkreferral affiliate link, an exponential growth of 5 levels of referrals can be created (ex. you refer 10 people who refer 10 people each who refer 10 each....), potentially 10,000s of visitors/day all viewing your link prominently in the top spot of our 'Featured Sites' section on our home page for your referral ID. It works because its free, fast to register, easy to implement and no risk. People that are referred from your site will have nothing to lose and everything to gain, just like you. (more details)

Search engine traffic - By registering, you'll benefit several ways, including,

1) having your webpage listing indexed more quickly - the major search engines continuously spider our site, and the sites listed in our directory.
2) Improved search engine rankings and SEO optimization.
3) Indirect search engine traffic via Pages such as your directory listing and your affiliate page listing feature your link and description, are picked up by all the major search engines. Your sign-up description, combined with our strong traffic base (a prime ranking factor for most major search engines) can pull in a significant immediate steady stream of traffic to your listing on and then on to your web site.
Linkreferral forums traffic - By participating in our forums on a daily basis, you'll build relationships and your reputation within the linkreferral community and improve the odds of successfully converting visitors to your end goal. Promote your listing by asking questions and giving comments, each post you make actively displays your link, category and member profile.

Referral Based Traffic - Growth Over Time

LinkReferral uses an old concept in a very innovative way to build traffic for its members. Because there is everything to gain, nothing to lose and potentially no additional effort needed to develop this traffic aside from initial placement of HTML code on your site, people readily join and enjoy the increasing benefits month after month. Above all it works because its FREE. Along with the benefits of free traffic, upgraded members can also earn commissions for referrals. Our Marketing Tips link at the top of this page has additional ideas on how to get it going even more quickly.

You - Visitors who click though from your site (or any site you indirectly referred up to five levels below yours) pull the LinkReferral page up, your link is somewhere within the five featured sites.

2nd, 3rd and 4th levels - are enjoying increasing traffic and are on there way to getting sites themselves from the ad on their site as well all sites below them.

5th level - Are just starting out, will put the code on their site and their first level below them will start to join. When they do, your link would be a 6th level which will be bumped off, which will insure everyone has a maximum of five levels which will preserve traffic for everyone. you will still see increased traffic by broadening the five levels your site has.

Say over a month's time just ten people click through and join LinkReferral from your site, who in turn have ten people of their own join the next month, and so on...

In five months, That's:

lst level (10) +
2nd level (10x10) +
3rd level (10x10x10) +
4th level (10x10x10x10)+
5th level (10x10x10x10x10)

= 111,111 sites

who's visitors will pull up your link when they visit LinkReferral. We only want good quality sites, as should you; the higher the quality of this referral program the stronger and more quickly the program will grow.

if you referred 5 levels of referrals, they ALL (in our example, 100,000 5th level + 10,000 4th level + 1,000 3rd....) view your link on our front page:

Source by:


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